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The many sides of the city of Baden – the secret’s in the mix

Baden is a small city with a huge presence. Its central location makes it a key player within the region: as a place to work, live and enjoy a wide variety of cultural and recreational activities. Baden’s residents are urban and progressive, but also value local traditions.

Steeped in history

The Roman legion settled in Baden over 2,000 years ago, building a camp in modern-day Windisch. They were the first to discover the healing powers of  Baden’s thermal mineral water and named the site Aquae Helveticae in honour of its water’s soothing qualities. Baden remained a major spa town until the 19th century and enjoyed a colourful history. It again rose to prominence as the meeting place of the Old Confederacy and the medieval part of the city is a reminder of this influential period.

Economically powerful

Our region is powered by many small and large industrial and commercial companies, which drive the city’s ongoing development every day with their innovations and entrepreneurial spirit. International corporations connect Baden to the global economy and support the local economy. Here, tradition meets high-tech, creating the ideal conditions for outstanding economic performance. Thanks to its popular conference / congress infrastructure, Baden is also the ideal host city for trade fairs and events. The shopping district alone is reason enough to visit, with its attractive pedestrian malls, street-side cafés, boutiques and vibrant weekly market.

Packed full of culture

Baden is a hive of cultural activity all year round. A visit to the Kurtheater or one of the many other small playhouses highlights the city’s lively theatre scene. Many internationally renowned festivals such as Fantoche, Figura, One of a million and the Bluesfestival, which draw crowds from near and far, call Baden home. The Museum of History, Villa Langmatt, the museum of childhood, various galleries and numerous cinemas offer an exciting array of entertainment and exhibitions. Young people party at "Werkk", the city’s hip and happening event venue, or at the concert and event halls that regularly host national and international acts.

Kurtheater: www.kurtheater.ch
Werkk: www.werkk-baden.ch


Baden is an attractive place to live for people of all generations. The city has educational institutions for all ages and there are schools with daycare services in every district. In fact, Baden’s excellent children-friendly facilities even earned it the Unicef title of “Child-Friendly City” in 2015. For seniors, there are two attractive accommodation and aged care options: the Kehl Retirement Home and the Baden Regional Aged Care Centre.

Kehl Retirement Home: www.daskehl.ch
Baden Regional Aged Care Centre: www.rpb.ch

Full of energy

The city of Baden is well-known for its commitment to sustainable energy policies and is proud to have been awarded Energiestadt’s GOLD label for the third time. The city aims to continue its award-winning green approach.

Baden is where people come together; it’s a cultural and economic hub and simply a great place to live. The city welcomes visitors and actively promotes dialogue and exchange. You can feel it in the city squares, quaint alleyways and various different neighbourhoods.

Discover Baden: more detailed information is available from Info Baden.